Social Media Disclaimer

The following describes the Social Media Disclosure for our website (‘’Website’’).

Social Media Issue

Given the fact that persons are revealing a lot of information on social media, sometimes including even sensitive information, personal information, financial information, such information being disclosed without bad intention, it is advisable to set out rules which are able to protect yourself and others in social media, especially in connection with the comments/ postings that could be posted on the Website and/or on Our accounts on social media related to the Website.

Presence Scope of Social Media

You should assume that social media is in use on our Website. A simple click of a button to endorse a person, product, or service is building a cumulative profile about you, which you should always assume can be discovered by others, without taking any action on Our part. Attempting to share a website with someone, whether by direct press of a button or else by email forwarding facilitated on a website, you should assume that this may not stop with the intended recipient and that this can generate information about you that could be seen by a veritable infinite number of people. Such a domino effect could initiate right here on our Website.

You should note that the ease of accessing one site through the login credentials of another, or the use of a global login for access to multiple sites can accumulate a dossier on you and your online behavior that may reveal more information to unintended parties than you might realize or want. Any or all of these features could exist on our Website at one time or another.

These few examples illustrate some possible ways that social media can exist, though it is not an exhaustive list and new technologies will render this list outdated quickly. The objective is to realize the reach of social media, its widespread presence on websites in various forms (including this Website), and develop a responsible approach to using it.

Protecting Others

You should recognize the fact that divulgences made in and on social media platforms on this Website and others are rarely constrained just to you. Disclosures are commonly made about group matters that necessarily affect and impact other people. Other disclosures are expressly about third parties, sometimes with little discretion. What can appear funny in one moment can be tragic in the next. And a subtle “public” retaliation can have lifetime repercussions.

Ideal use of social media on our Website would confine your disclosures primarily to matters pertaining to you, not others. If in doubt, it’s best to not disclose  It’s doubtful the disclosure is so meaningful that it cannot be offset by the precaution of acting to protect the best interests of someone who is involuntarily being exposed by your decision to disclose something on our Website (or another).

Although We value discussions and comments, We reserve the right to moderate comments on our Website and social media platforms where We have accounts and We are presenting the Website. We may remove comments that:

-are defamatory, libelous, or obscene

-are breaching intellectual property legal provisions

-publish an individual’s email address, phone number, address, birth date, social security number, or other personally identifiable information

-include affiliate marketing, link referral code, junk mail, spam, chain letters, pyramid schemes, or unsolicited commercial advertisement

-stereotype, intimidate or are hateful toward an individual or group of individuals on the basis of religion, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, race, ethnicity, nationality, age, ability, or appearance

-deceive or mislead.

-infringe the rules mentioned below. cannot review integrally and in a timely manner, the comments and data (content) posted to the Website by its visitors, and cannot, therefore, be responsible for that content, use or effects.

By operating the Website, We do not represent or imply that it endorses the material there posted, or that We believe such material to be accurate, useful, or non-harmful.

The persons making comments/postings are individually responsible for the accuracy and authenticity of their comments/postings, as well as for any consequences.

Due to the nature of the internet, it may be hard to identify or locate the person making a  comment/posting. The person may also be in an overseas jurisdiction, so it may be hard to take any legal action against them.

Protecting Yourself

You should likewise pause to consider the long-term effects of a split-second decision to publicly share private information about yourself on our Website. Opinions, likes, dislikes, preferences, and otherwise can change. Openly divulging perspectives that you hold today, may conflict with your developing views into the future. Yet, the “new you” will always stand juxtaposed against the prior declarations you made that are now concretized as part of your public profile.

As with sharing information about other people, extreme caution should be used before revealing information about yourself. If in doubt, it’s likely best not to do it. The short-term gain, if any, could readily be outweighed by later consequences. Finally, you should note that we are not responsible for removing content once shared, and we may not be able to do so.

Any information posted on the Website has been prepared without taking into account your objectives, financial situation, or needs and as such, you should, before acting on the information from the Website, consider the appropriateness of the information or advice in relation to your objectives, financial situation or needs. We recommend that you seek financial advice prior to acting on any information or advice on the Website or on any of our accounts on social media.

Please be aware that any information posted on the Website or on any of our accounts on social media should not be considered to be financial product advice.

Restrictions on Use of Social Media

You, as a visitor to our website, are not permitted to “mine” social media or other platforms contained herein for personal information related to others. Even where people have publicly displayed data, you should not construe that as though you have the liberty to capture, reproduce, or reuse that information. Any use of social media or related platforms on our Website is for interactive use only, relevant only during the website visit.

If you include hyper-links to other sites in your comments, you may be seen as endorsing the material on such sites. It may be advisable for You to warn persons accessing other sites that you do not endorse or take responsibility for material in the hyper-linked sites.

Your comments posted on the Website must not constitute any form of investment advice or recommendation, they should not be regarded as an offer, solicitation, invitation or recommendation to buy or sell, or any other financial services in connection with the crypto-assets or any financial instruments. Thus, by your comments, You must not provide investment advice, portfolio management services, or any other type of service which requires you to be authorized by a regulator.

No one is permitted to make postings/ comments on the Website in their capacity as a representative of a licensed adviser or as a representative of a licensed adviser.

You must not post/ comment on the Website anything which is abusive, inciteful, defamatory, harassing, insulting, sexually explicit, offensive, racist, rude, hateful, threatening, violent, or illegal.

You should never intentionally incite conflict, generate provocation, or purposely upset other users/ visitors of the Website. All discussions should remain polite and to the point.

You must never post misleading information about your trading skills in connection with crypto-assets.

You must never offer any direct investment advice or anything that may be interpreted as investment advice. Do not call for direct action (such as “invest in”).

You must not make false promises or entice others to trade/invest or attempt to create volatile market situations by your comments.

You must not provide instructions on specific trades or on how to trade specific crypto-assets.

You must not share/spread misinformation, unverifiable information, and rumors by your comments on the Website.

Accuracy of Social Media Data

As any social media platform is built on user-generated content, you should consider this fact in seeking to determine the authenticity of anything you read. We are not responsible for verifying any user-generated content for accuracy. A best practices policy would be to view all such content as strictly personal opinion, not facts.

You must not post/comment that We endorse or warrant your content on the Website or on social media.

Potential Issues of Liability

You should also be mindful of the fact that your words could trigger liability for harm caused to others. While you have the right to free speech, you do not have the right to damage other people. You are always responsible, personally, for  your comments/ postings on the Website and the accounts from social media related to the Website

Illegal and unethical conduct, when done in the name of a corporation or LLC, is still illegal and unethical conduct. You should consult a licensed attorney if you wish legal advice as to  your situation or legal problems stemming from the comments/ postings on the Website or another

Posts, comments, avatars that do not follow the rules specified above may be edited or deleted by Us. Continuous infringement of these rules will lead to your access being restricted or blocked.

If a user of the Website raises any of the above issues regarding a specific user, and we find that the behavior continues, this will also be grounds for having content removed or access restricted for that user. If your access has been restricted and you are unsure as to why this has happened, please contact us at

Change Notice

As with any of our administrative and legal notice pages, the contents of this page can and will change over time. Accordingly, this page could read differently as of your very next visit. These changes are necessitated, and carried out by, in order to protect you and the Website. If this page is important to you, you should check back frequently as no other notice of changed content will be provided either before or after the change takes effect.

Copyright Warning

The legal notices and administrative pages on this website, including this one, have been diligently drafted by an attorney. We at have paid to license the use of these legal notices and administrative pages on for your protection and ours. This material may not be used in any way for any reason and unauthorized use is  verified via plagiarism detection online service or application to detect the infringements.


If you have any questions about this Social Media Disclaimer, the policies of our Website, or your dealings with our Website, please contact us at